Coupon Request and Donation
Please comment on this page if you have coupon to donate or would like to receive a coupon from donation. I will do my best to match up donations and requests.
Please comment on this page if you have coupon to donate or would like to receive a coupon from donation. I will do my best to match up donations and requests.
I need a coupon. I signed up and it said I was put on waiting list. Any ones not used coupon would help me alot. Thank you!
I was put on the waiting list as well. If anyone can spare a coupon, it would be a big help! Thanks!
Would like 2x if at all possible. Thanks!
I could use two coupons if possible from any unused. Mine never arrived and they won’t resend them! Any help appreciated. Thanks.
With the price of cable going high,
I would like to get my signal back through the sky.
Back to the rabbit ears it is,
The Comcast bill I will not miss.
Could use a coupon if you can spare one,
I’d be thankful a tonne.
I could use 1 or 2 coupons if noone needs it.
I wouldlike a coupon too. Please, Please, Please, Please!!
I need a coupon too
I need a coupon too, please!!!!
I need a coupon, Thanks!
I would be thankful for one, also. Thanks for offering this…. C.
if someone could spare a coupon, please send it my way.
thanks =)
I filed for a cupon 6 mos. ago, and never got it. I have tried appealing for them to send another, and never get an answer. If somone has an extra, that would be great!
Anyone would send me a coupon? Thank you.
I own one TV and I filed for one coupon some weeks ago and I was told I was going to get it but I never did and I signed up again and was put on a waiting list. I was wondering if it was possible to get one coupon, I only have one TV. Thanks a lot in advance
Would you please send me one coupon if you has an extra? thanks
Can I also have one coupon please?
got rejected for no reason since my house got none yet 🙁
Thank you so much for helping
I would like 2 coupons if anyone has any they are not using. Thank You
I need 2 coupons. I live in a 2 family household, and the family living on the second floor registered for the free coupons. Now, they are refusing to give my family the coupons we need to watch tv.. If we don’t have this, we will not be able to watch tv come time for the switch to dtv
i would like 2 coupons they would be great were a big family and we really wouldnt want blank screens!
really need 1 coupon! my tv will be in the dark soon! thanks!
i really need 1 coupon. thanks a million!
need two if any one can spare it-thank-u
Hey I would like 2 coupons please for the 2 sdtvs in my house that dont have cable and receive a signal from the antenna currently…i`ll pay $3 paypal if it helps..thanks!
I could use 1 or 2 coupons, thanks.
If anyone has a coupon to spare I really need 1 or 2 for my parent’s old TVs. I did not know that the program would run out! I can a few bucks in paypal.
Would really appreciate if you have an extra coupon and can send it to me. This economy has taken a toll on my budget and can use an extra coupon. Thanks-
Would really appreciate if you have an extra coupon and can send it to me. This economy has taken a toll on my budget and a coupon will help. Thanks-
Would really appreciate if you have an extra coupon and can send it to me. This economy has taken a toll on my budget and can use an extra coupon. Need just one. Thanks-
Looking to get a coupon to help out my parents. Thanks
I would like 1 or 2 coupons. Thank you!
Looking for a coupon for my family. Thanks!
My life relies on the TV. Desperately looking for a coupon.Thanks a lot in advance!
Looking for one or two coupons, if possible. Thank very much.
I need one coupon. I requested one, but never received it. Thank you.
I need one coupon. I applied for the coupon last fall, but my home address is zoned live-work, so the gov’t program denied my application and my appeal.
I need one coupon if anyone has one to spare. Thanks!
I guess I procrastinated too long …Now I am without!
I Would be very appreciative, if some beautiful soul could slide 2 this way.
“I would gladly repay you on Tuesday for a hamburger today”
(Wimpy …If you are old enough to recall)
May God Bless You
I would like a coupon if you guys have available. my tv went out, and back to my old tv… but now I have no converter. 🙁 Thanks in advance
I need one coupon if anyone has one to spare. Thanks you very much.
Anyone have an extra coupon? Thanks!
Need a coupon. Thanks
We sure could use a converter coupon or two if you have them to spare.
WE don’t have cable and would truly apreciate your generosity.
Thank you! Thank you! thank you!
Could I have a coupon too please?
Thank you so much for your generosity!
Our HDTV just crapped the bed yesterday so unfortunately we need one coupon so we can use our old TV.
I can’t afford a TV but I can send a SASE to make it easy for you!
I need a coupon for my TV. Thanks a lot!!
I currently have an unused 50″ tv ready to spit out out HD goodness once I get a coupon! Thanks in advance 🙂
I have a 25″ TV with cracked frame and rabbit ears on top. On Feb 17th, I will go from four channels to zero! Please help me get a coupon! Luckily, I get free wireless from the hotel next door …
My grandmother could really uses a coupon. The DTV transition is still going to happen in my area on 2/17. Please help.
if anyone can spare me a coupon plz…thanks in advance..